849 W Harbor Village Dr Garden City, UT 84028
See why so many travelers make WorldMark Bear Lake their hotel of choice when visiting Garden City. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers a romantic setting with an array of amenities designed for travelers like you. Rooms at WorldMark Bear Lake offer a kitchenette and air conditioning providing exceptional comfort and convenience, and guests can go online with paid wifi. A gift shop is one of the conveniences offered at this hotel. A pool and barbeque facilities will also help to make your stay even more special. If you are driving to WorldMark Bear Lake, free parking is available. Travelers looking to enjoy some shrimp can head to Cafe Sabor Bear Lake or The Bear Trapper Steak House. Otherwise, you may want to check out a southwestern restaurant such as Cafe Sabor Bear Lake. Garden City is also home to Bear Lake State Park, a popular state park that is not too far from Worldmark Bear Lake Hotel. We’re sure you’ll enjoy your stay at WorldMark Bear Lake as you experience all of the things Garden City has to offer.
Not sure where to go? Check out what this property has to offer their guest!
Free Parking
Paid Wi-Fi
Outdoor Pool
Hot Tub
Business Center
Meeting rooms
Indoor Pool
Gift Shop
Smoke-free property
Air Condition